| 1.YinKe-xin,Ming Hu, Wanglong Li, Jianqi Zhu. Simulating email wormpropogation based on social network and user behavior, TheInternational Arab Journal of Information Technology,已录用,待发.(SCI)
2.YinKe-xin,Wanglong Li. Research on the Skill Teaching Reform of HigherVocational Education from the Perspective of Sustainability.Int.Conf. Comput. Sci. Educ,2016.EI:20164502982855
3.HuiranSun,YinKe-xin.A new conflictresolution method in fuzzy reasoning.Applied Mechanics and Materials,2014. EI:20142217769077
4.YinKe-xinetc.Concurrentlycontrolledmultithreads based dynamical graphical software watermarkingscheme. International Review on Computers and Software, v7, n7,p3831-3835, 2012.EI:20132016341548
5.ZhuJian-Qi, Fu Feng,Chong-kwonKim*,Yin Ke-xinand Liu Yan-Heng*.A DoS Detection Method Based on Composition Self-Similarity [J].KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 2012.5,6(5):1463-1478.SCI:958LC
6.ZhuJian-Qi, Fu Feng,YinKe-xin,LiuYan-Heng.DynamicEntropy based DoS Attack Detection Method,Computers& ElectricalEngineering.2013(39):2243-2251. SCI: 247YT. EI: 20134316875534
7.ZhuJian-Qi, Fu Feng,YinKe-xin,LiHai-Zhen,Liu Yan-Heng. Anovel DDoS attackdetection method [J]. Journal of Computational InformationSystems, 2013, 9(2): 549-556. EI: 20131516191773
8.LiuYi Zhuo,YinKe-xin*,Liu Gang,SunHuiRan. A DFT strategy for an industrial communications SoC withJTAG. Advanced materials research, 2012(461):513-516. EI:20120914821762
9.YinKe-xin, ZHUJian-qi. Simulation on Email worms propagation. MEC2011, 20August, 2011, Jilin. pp. 299-302.EI: 20114114423543
10.YinKe-xin, ZHUJian-qi. A Novel DoS Detection Mechanism. MEC2011, 20 August,2011, Jilin. pp. 202-305. EI: 20114114423542
11.YinKe-xin, YIN Ke,ZHU Jian-qi. A Robust Dynamic Software Watermarking [C].Proceedings of the Itcs2009, 25-26 July, 2009, Kiev Ukraine.pp.15-18.EI:20094712461952, ISTP: BLQ45
12.YinKe, Wang Zhi-quan andYinKe-xin. A RobustDynamic Watermarking Scheme [C]. 2009 International Conference onInformation Engineering and Computer Science (ICIECS2009),December 19-20, 2009 in Wuhan, China. EI:20101212792466
13.YinKe-xin. A NovelChaos and HVS based Image Watermarking Algorithm, 2010International Conference on Computer, Macaronis, Control andElectronic Engineering (CMCE 2010).EI:20105013486322
14.ZHUJian-qi, LIU Yan-heng,YinKe-xin. A RobustDynamic Watermarking Scheme Based on STBDW [C]. Proceedings ofthe CSIE2009, 31 March-2 April, 2009, Los Angeles/Anaheim, USA.pp.602-606.EI:20094712464397
15.ZHUJian-qi, LIU Yan-heng,YinKe-xin. A NovelPlanar IPPCT Tree Structure and characteristics analysis [J].Journal of Software, March 2010, 5(3): 344-351.EI: 20101312817355
16.ZHUJian-qi, LIU Yan-heng,YinKe-xin. A NovelDynamic Graph Software Watermark Scheme [C]. Proceedings of theECS2009, 7-8 March, 2009, Wuhan, China. pp. 775-780.EI:20093712300769. ISTP: BKI92
17.ZHUJian-qi, LIU Yan-heng, YIN Ke,Yin Ke-xin. ANovel Method-based Software Watermarking Scheme [C]. Proceedingsof the ITNG2009, 27-29 April, 2009, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.pp.388-392.ISTP:BLQ66
18.ZHUJian-qi,YinKe-xin, LIUYan-heng. A Novel DGW Scheme Based on 2D_PPCT and Permutation[C]. The International Conference on Multimedia InformationNetworking and Security, Nov 18-20, 2009, Wuhan, China.pp.109-113. EI:20101012757969
19.YinKe-xin, ZHANGLi-juan, WANG Ze-sheng, FU Xiao-lin and LIU Chang. Digitalwatermarking algorithm based on chaotic encryption and HVS.MINES2009, November 17-20,2009, Hubei, China. pp:134-137.EI:20101012757969
20.Yin Ke-xin,ZHU Jian-qi, LIU Bing and ZHONG Guan-qun. Pixel-based fragileimage watermarking algorithm. ETCS2010, March 6-7,2010,Wuhan,China. pp: 134-137.EI: 20102312986106
21.朱建启,刘衍珩,殷柯欣,宋双.基于中国剩余定理动态图软件水印方案[J].吉林大学学报(工学版),2008.9,38(S2): 198-201. EI:20084511687220
22.LiuYi Zhuo,YinKe-xin, Liu Gang,Sun Hui Ran. A DFT strategy for an industrial communications SoCwith JTAG. Advanced materials research, 2012(461):513-516.EI:20120914821762
24.殷柯欣,姜会林.Computationalsimulation on aero-optic effects of compressible turbulenceshear-layercavityflow. Acta photonicasinica, 2008(4): 780-784. EI:20082311303286
25.殷柯欣,姜会林.Evaluationsonaero-optic effects of subsonic airborne electro-optical system.Chinese Optics Letters,2006,4(8). EI: 20064210185253